Focus on Superannuation
In the past financial year, Rubiix has been focusing on improving clients’ financial positions. This involves business clients using financial forecasting for planning purposes, assisting some clients in purchasing bigger and better factories or assisting in business agreements between a business owner and a potential new business partner on purchase price, expectations and exit strategies. Each of these scenarios improve the financial position of a business and individual.
One topic that continues to come up when having discussions with both our business clients and our non-business clients about financial positioning is what to do about Superannuation.
We find clients fall into one of the following categories:
- I’m really engaged in what my super is doing
- I have super, it’s doing something but I don’t know what
- I don’t like the superfund I’m in but I don’t know what to do about
- I don’t even know what superfund I’m in
We are having great success in helping our clients with their Superannuation regardless of what category they fall into from the above list. This is due to Rubiix assisting in their change of mindset on superannuation and in turn becoming more engaged with what their superfund is doing. Slight changes now to their Fund can have major positive impacts in the future.
Superannuation is an important retirement strategy and the sooner it forms part of a financial focal point, the better the client will be for it. This is why Superannuation is an integral focus for us; to be part of improving a client’s financial position.
Some of the strategies we discuss are:
- contributing more into super
- reviewing the risk profile of the current fund
- considering a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)
- can a pension be drawn
Being more involved in your super will always pay off. A common thread we are finding once our clients are changing their focus to their superannuation is wanting more control in what the Fund does, what it invests in as well as more transparency. Transparency is an interesting one as some clients are not sure they are being charged fees and what for. You should always know where your money goes and whether it is of benefit to you.
If you want to change your focus towards your superannuation and be more involved, the time to act is right now. We can help you be more involved and more informed. We can review your Fund to determine what is right for you and whether it is meeting your needs, and provide advice on other options available.
Contact us to arrange a time to discuss your superannuation fund and what we can do to help your financial future.