

Australian Accounting Awards Interview with Huong Lisner

Australian Accounting Awards Interview with Huong Lisner

Rubiix Business Accountants attended the 2024 Australian Accounting Awards, ans was nominated as a finalist for Boutique Firm Of The Year. One of our current graduates Huong Lisner was also nominaated for Accounting Student Of The Year. Today, we chat with Huong on her experience with the Accounting Awards, her academic journey and challenges as a student, and what it’s like to be a graduate accountant in a thriving industry.

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Rubiix Breakdown: Working from Home Actual Cost Method

Actual Cost Method Deductions – When working from home, you can claim various deductions under the actual cost method. These deductions typically relate to expenses incurred due to working from your home office.  Here are common deductions that can be claimed: Common…

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Rubiix Breakdown: 2024 Federal Budget

If you missed it, the 2024 Federal Budget was announced on Tuesday 14 May 2024, with a heavy focus on cost-of-living including assisting States and Territories to build new houses and student accommodation. Clean energy was also a large focus point $22.7 Billion to be…

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How to increase your customers

How to increase your customers

Blog Home How To Increase Your Customers Increase Your Customers: 2 Key Strategies for Business Growth Growing your business not only boosts your current cash flow but also increases the potential sale value when you decide to sell. Here’s how to effectively increase…

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Top Tips For Tax Planning & Reduction

Top Tips For Tax Planning & Reduction

Blog Home Top Tips for Tax Planning & Reduction: Profits, Superannuation & Trusts Imagine what you could do with your tax saved.You could:Reduce your home loan.Top up your Super.Save for the holiday you’ve dreamt of.Deposit for an Investment Property.Pay for your…

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Cryptocurrency and Your Tax Return

Cryptocurrency and Your Tax Return

Blog Home Cryptocurrency and Your Tax Return In the evolving digital financial landscape, cryptocurrencies are more than just a trading asset; they’re a new frontier in tax responsibility. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) classifies cryptocurrency as a taxable…

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Action Needed for ATO Tax Debts

Action Needed for ATO Tax Debts

Your Credit History could be Ruined without an ATO Tax Debt Repayment Plan New debt reporting powers given to the ATO could see businesses that owe more than $100,000 in tax and are more than 90 days in arrears without a payment plan, to be reported to credit…

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