
Stuart Coulthard (Director) presented to about 60 small to medium sized businesses at the Sandringham Yacht Club recently. There were 5 presenters in total covering topics including digital marketing, energy savings, business strategy, and improving business effectiveness. Stuart specifically discussed understanding your critical business numbers.

Stuart’s presentation included:

  • The results of a survey conducted by Rubiix of 50 small to medium sized businesses and what financial numbers they pay attention to. The results were cash is king.
    What about what financial numbers, what do you most pay attention to or track in business?
  • Small business tax tips. Tips to not pay too much FBT on cars and Christmas parties
  • Reviewing your own business and getting to understand what financial number drives your business. Once you understand that number, track it. Once it is tracked make decisions based on it
  • Benchmarking your business. By using the ATO industry benchmarks you can get an insight into what other businesses in the same industry or similar, are doing. Then you can implement a strategy to improve your business. Also the commentary provided from the ATO regarding their benchmarks, is it gives you a guide on any red flags for ATO review if you are outside the benchmark
  • Understanding your business valuation gap. Are you relying on a business sale for retirement? Do you know how much your business is worth? Will there be a gap in expected business valuation and actual valuation?
    If you don’t know your business valuation and want to know that gap, visit our website or click on the link to quickly calculate using our free survey

Rubiix holds a number of business presentations during the year like this one as our mission is to guide our clients to success. We want to share as such information and as many insights to our valued business clients so they can succeed. If you want to be kept in the loop or have an idea on a topic that you’d like to see, please get in touch with Stuart.
If you also know of a business contact or colleague in your network that maybe interested in attending a future presentation sponsored by Rubiix, please pass on Stuart’s details.

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