
The ATO are contacting small business employers that may not yet be using SuperStream to make super contributions.

Over the coming months, the ATO will contact employers in 22 industry groups.

The ATO will provide employers in each industry group with SuperStream information during an assigned two week window. A schedule is provided below.

Employers will receive a SMS message advising SuperStream has started and an email inviting them to register to attend an industry specific SuperStream webinar.

For further information email SuperStreamStandards@ato.gov.au

Industry engagement schedule:

  Industry segment Period
1. Pharmacy & Cosmetics 5/10/2015 – 16/10/2015
2. General Practitioners, Dentists and Specialists 12/10/2015 – 23/10/2015
3. Cafes and Restaurants, Catering & Take-away 19/10/2015 – 30/10/2015
4. Fruit, Veg & Floristry 26/10/2015 – 06/11/2015
5. Farming (livestock and crops) 26/10/2015 – 06/11/2015
6. Hairdressing and Beauty Services 9/11/2015 – 20/11/2015
7. Trades 9/11/2015 – 20/11/2015
8. Automotive & Repair 23/11/2015 – 04/12/2015
9. Engineering & Technical Services 23/11/2015 – 04/12/2015
10. Bus & Taxi 30/11/2015 – 11/12/2015
11. Road Freight 30/11/2015 – 11/12/2015
12. Consulting (Management & IT) 25/01/2016 – 05/02/2016
13. Banking & Finance / Insurance & Super 25/01/2016- 05/02/2016
14. Accommodation, Pubs & Clubs 8/02/2016 – 19/02/2016
15. Food & Grocery 8/02/2016 – 19/02/2016
16. Manufacturing – general 8/02/2016 – 19/02/2016
17. Building & Employment Services 22/02/2016 – 04/03/2016
18. Metals & Engineering 22/02/2016 – 04/03/2016
19. Other specialist & boutique 22/02/2016 – 04/03/2016
20. Accounting & Legal 7/03/2016 – 18/03/2016
21. Hospitals, Clinics, Aged Care, Accommodation & Allied 7/03/2016 – 18/03/2016
22. Education & Training 7/03/2016 – 18/03/2016



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