
This month Rubiix Business Accountants Business Apps report investigates apps that you have ‘just to have’ in 2016.




#Slack is looks and acts a bit like a social media platform, but it is for your workplace communications. Instead of ‘boring’ folders, projects are divided by #hashtags and feeds include pictures and videos. When updating the team you are able to drag files and link with dropbox, load pictures and videos and all you have to do to alert the right people is use a #hashtag to delineate.



Do you have a pile of business cards on your desk, in your car and in your pocket/handbag? Haystack is the app designed to encourage your networking while keeping the results of it digitally piled away! Haystack collects your business cards together in one place, updates them as details change and allows you to share your own and others business cards.





Regardless if your goal for 2016 is about fitness, learning something new, or being more productive the coach.me app will help keep you accountable to your goals. Coach.me help you by encouraging you by setting you up with a one-on-one pro for whatever area you’re interested in and they will then help you devise a plan of action and then motive you throughout your progress.


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