According to a recent ATO Taxation Determination, where a retiring partner receives an amount representing his or her individual interest in the partnership net income, that amount is assessable under section 92 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936. This is the case even if the partner retires before the end of the income year or the payment is received in a subsequent income year. Furthermore, the way the payment is labelled or described will not change the ATO’s conclusion that the receipt represents the partner’s share of partnership net income and needs to be brought to account under section 92.
The ATO notes that a partner’s individual interest in the net income of a partnership is essentially a question of fact in each case, to be determined by reference to the partnership agreement, the partnership’s accounting records and any other relevant documents. The ATO notes that its approach in the Determination is a departure from several private rulings, in which it took such receipts into account under the capital gains tax (CGT) rules. The ATO says that an amount representing an individual interest in partnership net income may also represent capital proceeds from a CGT event; however, any capital gain that would otherwise arise is reduced to the extent that it is assessable under other provisions.
TIP: The Taxation Determination applies to assessments made after 3 June 2015. The ATO says it will not seek to disturb favourable assessments made before that date.