Important Dates & Notes
Those of you who have registered for FBT, or lodged FBT returns in the past, be aware the FBT period ends 31 March 2018. If you are unsure if you should register for FBT or would like more information on this, please contact us.
PAYG Instalments
If you prepare and lodge your own BAS and/or PAYG instalments, the March quarter must be lodged and paid, where applicable, by 28 April 2018.
IAS (March)
The March IAS must be lodged and paid, where applicable, by 21 April 2018.
Attention Tax Payers
If you haven’t lodged your 2017 tax returns, most clients who have only this tax year to lodge (are up to date), have a due date for lodgement with the ATO of 15 May 2018*. Get your work in now to avoid late penalties, the deadline is fast approaching.
Please call us to check if your lodgement date for 2017 tax returns differs.
*this is a general lodgement date for tax payers who lodge through a Tax Agent and also those who lodge on time each year.
Single Touch Payroll (STP) Preparation- are you ready?
If you have 20+ employees, you need to do a head count on 1st April 2018, or next business day, to confirm if you are required to start using the STP system from 1 July 2018.
This new system implemented by the ATO MUST BE used by all businesses with 20+ employees from the start date. Smaller businesses will be required to join the system on 1 July 2019. Are you ready for it?
Please call us to discuss your requirements or any questions you have.
Tax Planning
Keep an eye and ear out, from April 2018 onwards we will be contacting clients to start tax planning for end of financial year. If you would like to know more or begin discussions earlier for your individual tax planning requirements, please call us.
2019 Financial Year Planning
Further to our article on budgeting, we provide services in regards to preparing for the 2019 Year. If you would like to know the planning services we provide and how they can be beneficial for you, please call us to discuss.