If you have linked the ATO to your myGov account, most of the notices from the ATO will now come directly to your myGov inbox, rather than through the post to the Rubiix office.
The types of ATO mail you may receive in your myGov inbox include:
– notices, such as Notice of Assessment
– Statements of account
– Debt reminders
– Confirmation and reminder notices
– Activity statements or instalment notices
You will receive an email or SMS notifications from myGov to let you know when there are new messages in your myGov inbox. The default setting for notification is email.
To check or change your notification preference, log into your myGov account and select the ‘settings’ icon and go to the ‘inbox preferences’ tab.
Any correspondence you do receive from the ATO that you do not understand, would like clarification on or need assistance in getting tax debt paid, please contact the Rubiix office to discuss it further.
It will be a good idea to double check whether the ATO have started to send you notices via your myGov account even if you believe you have not linked the ATO to your account.
To get more information, please go to: