
This case study demonstrates how Hair Salon owners worked with their Accountant to create an effective low-cost marketing campaign which targeted lapsed and new customers to increase sales.  The campaign was traditional but effective.


About The Client

A Client runs a small funky hair salon in New York.  They decided it was time to move to larger premises with more passing foot traffic, but they knew they had to grow their existing strong and loyal client base first.



To achieve this goal, a project was completed with the following objectives:

  • Analyze the Hair Salon’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).
  • Use the analysis to identify traditional low cost small business marketing ideas
  • Use the marketing campaign to re-connect with lapsed customers, gain new customers, revitalize sales and customer retention

This was successful and helped get them on their way.


Accountant’s Role

The Accountant reviewed the business operations and based on the outcome of a SWOT analysis, the Accountant recommend that the Client:

  • Review their contact database and identify customers who hadn’t visited the salon for over six months.
  • Create an email campaign offering these customers an incentive (a free hair treatment) to make an appointment.
  • Publish a Facebook promotion offering this incentive to new customers.


Benefits for Client

The emails resulted in numerous new appointments from lapsed customers and a number of new customers were acquired.

This campaign also created an opportunity to introduce these lapsed customers to a new senior hairdresser on the team.


Might similar strategies work in your business?


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