A code of settlement has been developed by the ATO. The code sets out the ATO policy on the settlement of tax and superannuation disputes, including disputes involving debt. It states that settlement negotiations or offers can be initiated by any party to the dispute and can occur at any stage including prior to assessments being raised.
The ATO notes that when deciding whether or not to settle, it will consider all the following factors:
- the relative strength of the parties’ position;
- the cost versus the benefits of continuing the dispute; and
- the impact on future compliance for the taxpayer and broader community.
According to the ATO, settlement would not generally be considered in situations where there is a contentious point of law which requires clarification, or when it is in the public interest to litigate, or when the taxpayer’s behaviour is such that the ATO needs to send a strong message to the community.
TIP: According to the code, a settlement agreement provides a reasonable basis for treating similar issues in future years unless it is specifically stated that it is not to apply to future years or transactions, or the taxpayer’s circumstances change materially, or the law remains either unclear or amended. However, the Code states the ATO can provide greater certainty to a taxpayer for future years if required.
Submitted by: Stuart Coulthard – Director