
Recent research from Macquarie and the CBA show that 1 in 4 people do not have a financial or retirement plan. According to the CBA 42% of people with an SMSF do not have a retirement plan. That is quite a big number, and we want to change it!

There are plenty of planning strategies to suit different scenarios available depending on people’s goals and objectives for retirement. It is always better to start sooner rather than later. If you don’t have a plan how are you going to reach your goals?

Working through and establishing our clients goals is an area of great passion for us, however big or small. It could be getting control of your cash, repaying debt or working towards retirement. With our business, tax and financial planning experience and skill set we are well placed to help our clients. It is one of the reasons why we do what we do. If we can play some part in assisting our clients achieve their goals then our job is done.

If you want to start now with a plan or if you want to review where you are financially now, please contact us as good advice is a good investment.

Ph: 03 9603 0060
Email: mdebeljak@rubiix.com.au
Ph: 03 9603 0047
Email: scoulthard@rubiix.com.au


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